Goodreads has become the go-to place to keep track of the books you have read over the past decade and a half. They make it easy and it doesn’t take that long to use it. They also have a yearly currently reading list and using that, have compiled a list of the most reads books of 2022!

Goodreads Reading Data

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Goodreads Most Read Books of 2022

It has been a great year for books in general and many people have been reading throughout the year. According to Goodreads, more than 6.5 million people set a Goodreads goal this year, trying to read a total of 320 million books! Did you make a reading goal on Goodreads?

The online bookmark website has shared the 60 most books read by their users in 2022.  Users have had to mark the books as “read” for it to count. This list does not include books that were marked as “want to read.” Without further ado, you can see the top 25 most read books on Goodreads’ list below. For the full list, you can see it here.

Goodreads Most Read Books of 2022

Not Your Typical List

As you might notice right away, Colleen Hoover dominates this list. This has been her year and it is no surprise to see many of her books on the list. Other books that stood out include The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid, The Midnight Library by Matt Haig, and The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller.

Many of the books on this list also charted high on Amazon’s weekly best-selling lists. The audience of the two websites seem to overlap a lot and it isn’t hard to see why. They both are two of the most well-known online book websites. It is easy to use both websites to find and buy new books with a click of a few buttons.

You may have noticed that many of the books are from the past couple of years. As many readers know, a book that gets added to the to-read list can take from months to a few years to get to. There are just too many books to read and more amazing books are released every year, making it an endless cycle.


This list may have the most books that I’ve read so far and that is because it covers books from various years. Most of us are still trying to get around to reading the best books of 2020! How many books have you read on this list? Let us know in the comments below!

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