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Goodreads’ 100 Best Books of All Time 

There are few websites that are more trusted when it comes to books. It has made a name for itself and has made it easy to keep track of the books you are reading. Today, we decided to look at Goodreads’ 100 best books of all time list. Keep reading to find out which books made their list 

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The great thing about Goodreads is that their lists are often created by users voting. That is the best way in our opinion to make these lists. After browsing the list, it feels like a list my fellow readers would make. There are your typical books and a few surprises here and there. You can see the full list below. 

Goodreads’ 100 Best Books of All Time 


A sci-fi novel that has risen to popularity in modern times is 1984 by George Orwell. When some ideas in this sci-fi and dystopian novel came true, people’s interest in the novel rose. The novel touches on issues such as mass surveillance, a controlling regime, and disinformation. When Edward Snowden leaked the NSA’s mass surveillance of the public, the novel was mentioned by many and how it predicted the government spying on the public.

The Count of Monte Cristo

The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

One of my favorite classics of all time has to be The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. It is an adventure novel unlike anything else. The book is entertaining and has held up well centuries later. Who doesn’t love a good revenge story? Even after a couple centuries after it was published, this novel is still considered one of the best works of literature.

A Confederacy of Dunces

A book that doesn’t get the attention it deserves is A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole. The novel was published 11 years after the author committed suicide. Toole’s mother repeatedly asked Walker Percy, an author and a college instructor to read it. When the novel was finally published, it was well received and Toole went on to win a posthumous Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. 

That just goes to show you publishers don’t know anything about books. Toole’s story is a tragic tale of unrecognized talent. Now if you go to New Orleans, you will most likely see a copy of A Confederacy of Dunces a few times. One of the reasons I visited New Orleans was because of how Toole writes about the city in his novel.

The Maltese Falcon

It has been almost a century since hardboiled fiction novels have had their heyday. But the classics that these era produced are still worth reading such as The Maltese Falcon is a detective novel filled with lots of murder and blood. One of my favorite elements of a hardboiled fiction novel is the constant plot twists as if you are in a maze. There is never a dull moment and Dashiell Hammett’s novel delivers on all fronts.


That is all for the Goodreads’ best books of all time list. What did you make of the list and how many of these books have you read? What books should have made the list? Let us know in the comments below! 

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