We all love reading, but sometimes the dreaded book slump hits us, or we’re experiencing a book hangover because the author has written something so great you need to recover (I’m sure we’re all looking at the same author right now).

Book Challenges To End your Reading Slump

Whatever the case, a book challenge can get you out of a slump. Check out our list below for significant challenges covering everything from fantasy to classics!

Daria Morgendorffer Book Challenge

Book Challenges To End your Reading Slump

Daria was a character from our teens who loved reading, and her snarky attitude was well-loved. Her reading list has a good mix of classics, plays, and thought-provoking books that improve the reading experience. It’s been a great challenge for people who loved the show. 

Matilda Book Challenge

Matilda was a girl who gave hope to many other children. She lived with a family that didn’t always appreciate her, and she rose above, and in the end, she was able to find her forever family. She was intelligent and determined, and she loved reading. We recommend it if you’ve never read the story, as the book and movie differ.

Rory Gilmore Book Challenge

Rory Gilmore was a teen being raised by a single mom. The show is captivating and had so much love they did a revival. While there is a reading list for the resurrection, we’d recommend checking out the original first to get some nostalgia. If you’ve never seen the show, give it a watch! When attempting the book challenge, we should warn you that it’s not for the faint of heart! It’s a long list that’s going to take some time.

Friends Reading Challenge

We’ll be there for you, and this reading challenge will be too! Friends was a show that many of us grew up with, and when you check out these books, you can relive the moments when they were joking about them and realize that some characters had a love of reading that you wouldn’t expect. Looking back, how sweet was it that Joey loved Little Women!

Scooby Doo Reading Challenge

Because reading challenges are meant to be fun and cute, this one is fun with friends or family and can get you to enjoy making different combinations of books to spell out words. While this one would be made for a younger audience, we know plenty of adults who have dug it, too.

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