Science fiction novels call out to us because of our curiosity. We want to know what is out there and whether we are alone or not. And some novels like Artemis by Andy Weir imagine what it would be like if we conquered the moon and colonized it. Keep reading to find out why you have to read this epic sci-fi novel.

Artemis Summary

In the 2080s, humanity has colonized the moon. Artemis is the only city of its kind and living there is expensive. When Jazz, a porter and a part-time smuggler is offered a job with a lot of money to sabotage harvesters on the moon, she gladly accepts.  

The job entails sneaking onto the surface of the moon and destroying the harvesters. Jazz has to evade the cameras while not running out of oxygen. She is not alone but has to do the heavy lifting of the job. But she gets caught in a conspiracy that may change everything on Artemis.

Artemis science fiction novel
Artemis book review

Now, it is up to Jazz to decide how to go forward. Her choices affect not only her but the lives of many. And she has already messed up as it is. Can she make everything right before it’s too late?


Artemis stands out even in the science fiction genre and rightfully so. Weir has created an interesting world and a great protagonist to go along with it. And they both bring something to the table that adds to a brilliant novel.

I thoroughly enjoyed the novel and would love to read more of Weir’s work. And if that doesn’t convinve you to read it, then the fact that the novel was picked by readers of Goodread as the sci-fi novel of the year.

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If a novel is able to stand out like Artemis, then you know that it was well written. Writing a story about colonizing the moon is not new. But Weir was able to add a lot of elements to the idea that makes everything click together. And a wonderful treat it is.

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