Summer is almost here and we can’t wait to grab the hottest new book and read it by the beach. And we have you covered with some of the best new books to read in the summer!

This has been a great year for new books and that trend will continue for the summer. There are some amazing new books hitting the shelfs that readers will love. These books will be impossible to put down once you start reading them!

The Best New Books to Read This Summer

When Among Crows

A name you may recognize is Veronica Roth from the popular Divergent series. She returns with her latest novel When Among Crows and just like Divergent, it takes place in Chicago. The novel is about the Slavic folklore the Baba Yaga with a magical spin on it. That got our attention and we can’t wait to see what Roth does with this childhood fairy tale.

Summertime Punchline

Next on our list is a book that will keep you laughing. Summertime Punchline is about a comic who has to return to her childhood home. And let’s be honest, we can already imagine how funny this book is going to be just based on the plot. Who doesn’t enjoy a stress-free book that is also funny? Sign us up!


What is a summer without a good romantic novel to read? Enlightenment by Sarah Perry is about two people who fall in and out of love as they date other people. But they always end up back together. All the signs in their lives seem to indicate that they are meant to be together but that is something they have to figure out themselves.

The Throne: The Machiavelli Trilogy, Book 1

The Throne: The Machiavelli Trilogy, Book 1 by Franco Bernini
The Throne: The Machiavelli Trilogy, Book 1 by Franco Bernini

A book that will take you back to the 1500s is The Throne: The Machiavelli Trilogy by Franco Bernini. What happens when the person who is supposed to spy on you is the one you tell to write your biography?

The saying the pen is mightier than the sword is true when it comes to this book as Cesare Borgia and Niccolò Machiavelli both need each other if they want to attain greatness and fame, something they both crave whole-heartedly.

Children of Anguish and Anarchy

The third and final book in the Legacy of Orisha trilogy by Tomi Adeyemi is Children of Anguish and Anarchy and sees Zelie in unfamiliar territory. She imagined that seixing the royal palace would end the battle but the battle wages on. Now, Zelie and her people are caged and on a ship, away from their homeland, and onto foreign lands.

The Bright Sword

Levi Grossman returns with The Bright Sword, a novel about King Arthur. This is a new spin on the classic tale that is beloved by many. George R.R. Martin loved this book and said it was a “fresh and engrossing take on the Matter of Britain featuring a colorful cast of Round Table knights who don’t often get as much story time as they deserve.”


Summer is one of the best times to read as you can go to the beach, park, or a cafe with a great view. All you need is the perfect book and you will be more than happy with your outing. And these are some of the best new books to read this summer. What other new books are you eager to read by the water? Let us know in the comments below!

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