Avid book readers devour books after books and somehow still find time to get things done throughout the day. Others struggle to balance the two and aren’t able to read as much books as they like. And then, there are people who do not read for fun (disgusting).

That made us ask the question “How many books does an average person read in a year?” This question varies from country to country. We will be looking at the United States and the United Kingdom as these are the two countries I was able to find the data for.

The United States

In the U.S., the average person reads about 14 books per year. That is pretty good considering that that is more than one book per month. The median average for the whole population is 4 books per year but to be honest, I don’t know what that really entails. Does this data include children that haven’t yet learned to read? Or also people that are unable to read because of lack of access to books? If that is so, then this number becomes meaningless.

The United Kingdom

In the U.K. the average person reads 10 books per year. That was from a survey done by YouGov in 2014. A more recent survey done in 2017 found that the average person reads 15 books per year. The data seems to be skewed based on the people surveyed. The United Kingdom is a diverse country and depending on where the surveys are done, the data will reflect the facts for that area alone. For the best possible result, the data sample needs to be larger and include multiple locations across the U.K.

books on brown wooden shelf
How many books can the average person read?

Maybe the average rose by 5 whole books in three years but that is not likely. It is a significant increase over such a short span. When the pandemic occurred, the average number of books people read increased because they were home more and had more time to read. Without a significant change like that, the average shouldn’t change that much.

So, either the U.K. reads more or less than the United States depending on what survey you would like to believe. Depending on where you live, you can use either data to get your point across!

How much can the average person read?

The average person can read about 33 books a year and a speedy reader is able to read 55 books in a year. That might sound like a lot but it is not. That is a little more than one book per week. I found that I can get through about 2 books in a week by making the most out of commuting and reading while traveling.

Billionaire Bill Gates is an avid reader and has a routine of reading an hour a day. He is said to read 50 books a year. With a consistent schedule and reading as often as possible, you two can read as much as Gates does. Or just read 20 books since that is higher than the average person in the U.S. and the U.K. Just as long as you enjoy reading whatever you are reading.

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