We all have read books that we loved and can’t stop recommending to everyone that is willing to listen to us. But what if we could reread out favorite books for the first time? Well, Buzzfeed found some people that shared the books people wish they could reread for the first time.

That feeling that we get when we read an amazing book for the first time is unlike anything else. And we are always chasing that feeling when we read new books. Buzzfeed decided to find out which books readers would love to read for the first time. The list includes some amazing classics that are beloved of millions.

Books That People Wish That They Could Reread for the First Time

The Count of Monte Cristo

The Count of Monte Cristo Novel by Alexandre Dumas
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

The first book on the list is The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas and this one I can relate with. When I first read this book, I was amazed at how good it was and it has gone down as one of my favorite reads. A user had this to say about the book.

“It is so good. You can see why so many later stories and TV shows copied the premise,” said Reddit user marketlurker.

East of Eden

Next on the list is the classic novel East of Eden by John Steinbeck and this one makes sense. Steinbeck is one of the greatest American writers and this is the novel that propelled him to mainstream success. This is a long read but a must read.

“I took my time reading it, but it felt like I was watching the most dramatic show with the most dramatic characters,” said user Admirable_Art_9769

The Secret History

One of my favorite books on this list that I would love to read for the first time again is The Secret History by Donna Tartt. This novel is beautifully written and the mystery and attention to detail make this an unbelievable novel unlike anything else I have ever read.

“This was like the juiciest gossip and I could not get enough. I was gripped in a way that few things have made me feel like since reading this,” said user piratesdayoff

“This LINGERED for weeks after I finished it. I kept having flashbacks to a particularly shocking scene. It really emotionally affected me,” said user sehaugust


The theme of the books on this list is classic novels and rightfully so. They are classics and for good reason. Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier is a chilling novel and I can understand why people would want to reread this for the first time again.

“Yes! I read this recently and immediately felt the urge to flip back to page one and start it again. I NEVER feel that way. It’s just so good,” said user sargassum624

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy book
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

I have to say, these selections are on point and ones I agree with it wholeheartedly so far. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams is hilarious and well written and a must read even if you don’t read sci-fi novels.

“The book was a major point in my life in high school in altering my life path, and I wonder how it would be different reading it for the first time many years later,” said user Pope_Asimov_III

Lonesome Dove

This is a novel I haven’t read and know even less about it somehow. That is surprising considering that Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurty won a Pulitzer-Prize. I can say that this is a novel that I will be reading for the first time and can’t wait to see if the hype is real.

“Me too. What an achingly joyful experience that book is,” said userBig-Elephant6141

The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

A classic novel that many people probably haven’t read but definitely should is The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. While it is a short read, there is a lot to unpack. Even after a century plus after it was released, this novel still holds up well.  

“There’s something about that book, so dark, so whimsical, it gave me such a ‘high’ and I have been chasing that ever since. I think it’s one of those books that you just can’t stop reading, the more you read the more interesting it gets,” said user Next-Pepper-4761.


These are just some of the books people wish they could reread for the first time according to Buzzfeed. And the list contains some of the most well-known classics ever written. It is no surprise because they are classics for a reason and many of these books made people love reading. What books would you want to reread again for the first time?

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