The final few end of year lists are rolling in and today, we will be looking at People’s best books of 2023. Keep reading to find out which 10 books made their list!

I will admit, I don’t think of People as a respectable publication when it comes to books. They are more focused on celebrities and this list is reflective of that. Two biographies by famous celebrities were their picks for the ten best books of the year.

People’s Best Books of 2023

If the list was made to include fiction and nonfiction books, then I would have been a little more understanding. While Spare by Prince Harry was the most popular nonfiction book this year, it isn’t anywhere near the ten best books released in 2023.

Prince Harry's memoir book
Prince Harry’s memoir Spare

But for People, it makes sense. They focus on different metrics and by their standards, Spare was a top ten book. Besides this book, I think People’s list is a bit lacking. They chose mostly safe picks and that is disappointing.

I have enjoyed seeing publications having different lists with a lot of surprising picks. That can’t be really said for People but they aren’t fully immersed in the book world so it makes sense. You can see the full list below!

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